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Getting Started

Welcome to the LogicApps UX documentation! This guide will help new engineers set up and navigate the project. Make sure to follow the steps below to ensure a smooth setup process. You can find the details about Power Automate Designer Community Contribution at the end of this doc.


Ensure you have the following installed on your system:

  • Node.js v18 or higher
  • PNPM

Check here for Windows setup and installation guide: NVM for Windows installation

Check here for MacOS and Linux setup and installation guide: NVM for MacOS and Linux installation

Check here for system specific ways to install: Pnpm installation

Or you can just install using npm:

npm install -g pnpm

Running the Code

First, navigate to the root level of the repository and run:

pnpm install

Standalone Designer (for testing)

  • Code Location: /apps/designer-standalone

To start the standalone designer, run(from the root):

pnpm turbo run dev

Building the Production Librarys (for NPM publishing)

  • Code Location: /libs/*

To build the designer library, run:

pnpm turbo run build:lib

Unit Tests

  • Code Location: /libs/designer/**/__test__/*.spec.ts(x)

To run unit tests, execute:

pnpm turbo run test:lib

End-to-End (E2E) Tests

  • Code Location: /e2e

To run E2E tests, execute:

pnpm run test:e2e --grep @mock